Monday, April 17, 2006

daycare homework assignment - a keeper

Daddy took point (with a little coaxing) and was the one who completed this assignment for daycare's Week of the Young Child. (4/2006)
To our Baby Boy (name withheld from blog),
You are special for so many reasons but here are some of our favorites:

You are special because when you smile and say, “Hi Dada” or “Hi Mama” you always bring a smile to our face no matter how hard our day has been.

You are special because you give the best hugs in the whole world. You walk up to us and stretch your arms out and say, “Oh Oh, I wanna big hug,” and we just melt.

You are special because when you wake up, the first thing you want to do is cuddle with Mama or Dada and there is no better way to start our day.

You are special because you can say “Flamingo” and “Well I’m not very big, but I’ll try” and “Helicopter.”

You are special because you say “Sorry…” in the cutest way that we can’t stay mad at you. And when you say, “Please…” you are so cute that we can’t help but give you our last sip of juice or our last potato chip.

You are special because you run up up up big hills so fast and down down down so fast.

You are special because you love trains and cars! Both are Mama and Dada’s favorite things too.

…But most of all, you are very special because you are YOU.